Solutions for Law Firms
Shakti Legal Solutions can provide firms with short term, fixed or additional support for a project or busy period. Alternatively, if you have a matter which you’re unable to service due to a client’s financial circumstances, contact us to discuss how we can unbundle the services required and allocate tasks between the firms.
Pro-bono, Low-Bono or Locum Services
We appreciate that not all firms have the capacity or resourcing to offer pro-bono services. We’re here to help.
Low-bono or Pro-bono Fees
In accordance with our commitment to improving access to justice, our locums offer a discounted hourly rate to firms who are willing to pass on those savings to their clients.
Our locums are insured through Lexon Insurance Pte Ltd.
Experienced practitioners
Our locums have a minimum of five (5) year’s post admission experience (PAE) and each hold a Principal Practising Certificate.
Town Agent or Agency Services
Shakti Legal Solutions offers a variety of services from attendance at settlements, filing court documents, witnessing client documents or appearances as town agents. Our primary service areas include the Gold Coast, Logan, Brisbane and surrounds, the Federal Court, Federal Circuit Court, Family Court, Magistrates Court, District and Supreme Court. Accessibility of legal services is important to us. Feel free to contact us to discuss an alternative fee structure should your firm or your client need financial assistance.
Filing Court Documents
*Does not include any filing or registration fees.
Titles Office Lodgements
*Does not include any filing or registration fees.
Delivery or Collection of Documents
Starting from $75.00 exc. GST
Court Appearances
Please contact us for a quote.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.
Send me an email or leave your contact details via the contact form and I’ll be in touch within 48 hours!